Opiskelijoiden Etu - Students' Interest
Our Agendas
Here you can read our directions and causes. Agree, disagree, argue and send us email to make ISYY better place. We welcome all opinions.
Your future here? Email us.
More will be updated here during election campaign.
1. Maximum publicity on the ISYY decisions, work, results and failures.
2. Total transparency of the criteria of placement decisions (need to be published after every election of boards).
More transparency for the economy reports. (Now most of the budget
papers are with the expenditure groups or some categories that actually
hide the information what are the details inside of them. One case where
this kind of hidden info was used wrongly was when ISYY was deciding on
the Uljas magazine, in the same grouping was put also the expenses of
calendar. This reason was only because of the laziness in taxation
4. Betterment of ISYY publicity. Uljas
magazine is gone so ISYY will face huge issues of publishing anything.
Also their YouTube records for 5,7 years time period is 2200 views, in
comparison our lists views before the election is over half of that near
1400. We can advocate alternatives to make more publicity. This theme
is even more problematic because not just any publicity is enough. We
need open public forums that could be also seen by the other people
outside of the academic bubble. Because ISYY does not have this
currently the recession of the development will ensue.
Strengthening the economy of ISYY over all. OKKK project of ISYY was
too ambitious because it had millions of debt inside of it (the housing
project of ISYY). The more realistic choice could be to save 10% of
yearly ISYY budget for the housing. With the current prices it could
mean that the ISYY could buy 2 apartments one from Joensuu and one from
Kuopio and rent them for the students. If we would do this every year
ISYY could accumulate considerable wealth and financial stability in
following decades without resulting to huge debts or financial expenses.
Basically cut the middlemen and just save money for future influence
and for more balanced economy for the ISYY. THIS SHOULD BE IN THE RULES
all the nonsense expenses of ISYY. Cutting the expenses of board
members, cutting most of the expenses of meetings and meeting bonuses.
These moneys can be used within budget to fund the idea 5.
Advocating more openly with the publicity about student issues and
doctoral student issues to the UEF. Publicity is needed in this process
because otherwise all opposing views can be just mumbled or silenced
completely. You could say this is continuation of the idea 4.
of facilities and doors in University (why everything is god damn locked
always if some doors are open in any case 🤡). This same thing can also
affect people with disabilities and it will be possibility of a fire
9. ISYY needs
to advocate more the creation of groups and make group/club funding
more easier or establish some flat support for every group/club because
paper work for these kind of things are nonsense. It can be 100-200 per
year or something but most groups can be ok with it and there would not
be need for constant applications that most people can't even manage in
manner what ISYY would hope. Considering the amount of current clubs
this would not even cost that much.
10. Negotiations
of University rooms for the student unions and 1 room per campus for
the PhD students use. (there is currently 0 for that purpose, can you
believe it?)
11. Same health and travel benefits for the PhD students than to normal students, this could also rise the amount of ISYY members 10%, because PhD students need to travel a lot and the health benefits of having definite cheap health services is important when you are dedicating 4 years or more for one of the biggest research in the persons life.